Planning primary research
In today's class we have been given 30 minutes to start preparing our primary research for our project. This means that we need to gather our own information or do our own firsthand research. I have decided to focus on researching materials I can use for my 3D design, as well as how to draw them in the 2D section of the project.
I have different materials I want to test for my project. Since I am approaching my 3D design like a sculpture more than as a dress, most of these materials are not fabrics.
Firstly, I bought black metallic vinyl and I am planning on cutting it to my desired shape and covering it with transparent resin. This is the most promising idea and I got it from Marie Bodet, who I researched for my project and my presentation.
Lastly, last week I found a metallic mesh fabric at a secondhand store. It was very cheap and I like it's shine, but I do not think it can be considered black, as it looks more like silver. I am planning on creating a structure with cardboard and covering it with this fabric.
This reads like the opening to the post - are you going to follow up with the results of your research and how it influenced an aspect of your secondary research?