Development exercise: tell me a story

Last week I was asked to tell a story that had to do with the concept of my major project. Since I express myself better through drawings than words, I decided to draw a comic. Here is the first sketch I managed to draw during the 20 minutes I was given during class:

And this is the final piece I worked on on my own free time:

The first frame is based on Botticelli's painting The Birth of Venus to depict the arrival of the protagonist to the shore. 

The Birth of Venus

This main character has the ability to turn people and objects into water, and she does so after encountering a male that treats her wrong. This represents the importance of water, as she came from water, others end as water. 

I tried to represent the concept of my project through the movement of the clothes, the hair and the water.

Botticelli, S., 1485. La nascita di Venere (The birth of Venus). [Tempera on canvas].


  1. Really well executed idea that displays your ideas for the project nicely - would like to see a follow up on Venus in terms of how the influence of historical art could have an affect on your project, even as background or support research.


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