Major project development, final steps on the web

 To continue with the web's personalization I took some further steps  this week. First of all, I altered the contact form again since I didn't think the phone number was necessary, so I changed it to "subject".

I then decided to decorate the headers on every page since I felt they were too blank. For this I clicked on Add, Decorative, Basic Shapes, More Basic Shapes and chose the irregular black spots. Here are some of them and the contact form, which I decorated as well:

Header for the main page

Header for the contact form

Screenshot of the contact form

And to finalise, I added to the gallery the photos of my designs:


  1. Again I was confused by the contrast title I think you need to add very clear introduction to this work and remember to use a fshion glossary to describe the style and cuts of your dresses


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