My web, part 1

 On our first class this week we have started with the design of our webs. Here are some screenshots of my process so far:

First I answered some questions about what I was going to do and etc so the program would recommend me the best options. After that I chose the template I liked the most, which is this one:

Before starting I already knew I wanted bold, black letters and a white background, so I'm very happy with this template. To personalise it I deleted the sections I didn't need, like the shop or the shipping formulary. After that I updated the copyright at the bottom of the page.

I am also working on changing this information about myself here. I changed the font type and the arrangement of the text as well.

I will keep uploading the development of my web in the next few days since I am going to fill the page with my past designs and projects that are related to the subject and my degree.


  1. There are only three screenshots and no much technical information here - we did quite a lot of work in class and this does not really show what you should have achieved with home page, about and contact page please make sure you add to this and the technical detail of the tools you used on wix


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